

So Abbey was born and the hospital stay was decent. Abbey wasn’t in the room with me, so I got tons and tons of sleep. I was upset, at first, because I didn’t get to do what I had set out to do, which was breastfeed and really bond while it was just us together, before we went home. But looking back, I am ok with how things were done.


My birth experience was amazing. Looking back at it now, I didn’t have too many people there. The people that were there, Todd, Amber and Carrie, were just right. They encouraged me to go the route I wanted, which was a VBAC. And I got that wish, and I am ever so grateful I did. It was hard, I felt a lot of pain, but I made it through. I never really thought I can’t do this, it was more of, maybe I shouldn’t do this because I kept hearing “Her heart rate is going down” and I didn’t know if they meant me or her. I really had no clue what was going on around me at all. I was just so focused. No clue about the time. I had my eyes closed basically the last 5 hours.

With Todd to my right near my head, Amber to the left near my head, Carrie at my right knee and the nurse at my left knee… I was in good hands. Amber counted for me and Todd tried to be there. I really just needed one person talking. Since I was so, so dry and had a hard time breathing, I asked everyone to just please let me push when I felt like it. And they did. And just a couple more pushes and she was out. It was great! I was so happy! It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It went much quicker than I thought it would too. The above photo was taken just moments after she was born. Love it. (Thanks Carrie!)

Katie first met her sister the next night, on May 5th. Abbey was in the NICU and doing well. Katie was just so proud!

You could just see the thrill in her eyes. 🙂

And now here we go… Abbey got to come home. It was about 7:30pm on a Thursday night. We didn’t tell anyone. We dressed her up, took her to the car, and off we went to my mom’s house to visit Katie and surprise her. It was amazing!

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